Benefits of pavers
Interlocked paving dates back to Roman times. You can still see remnants of the old Roman roads throughout Europe today. Whereas asphalt and concrete tend to crack and need replacing or resurfacing every few years, your Legacy Paver installation will last a lifetime with little or no maintenance.
In terms of design choices, durability and strength, the benefits of pavers far outweigh any of concrete, asphalt or natural stone. However, to reach their full potential, they must be installed absolutely, 100% correctly. Learn more about why you should chose The Legacy Paver Group to perform a professional stone paver installation.
Increased Value
Real Estate Agents confirm that an interlocking paved driveway adds value to a home over a standard concrete or asphalt driveway.
Resistance to root growth, erosion, earthquake and frost. Pavers are designed to undulate with movement and will not crack. They allow for easy access to roots, making maintenance a snap!
In contrast to non-permeable materials, interlocking paving stones allow natural biological processes to filter run-off before it pollutes our creeks. The interlocking paving stones allow water to drain through, and beneficial bacteria, which live between the stones and in the gravel bed below, remove toxins before they reach our creeks, the bay and our beaches.
Wide selection of stones, colors and styles provide infinite variety of designs. From natural slate textures and the old-world charm of cobbles, to the classic style of brick – you are certain to find a look that will complement your home.
Broken or stained pavers are easily removed and replaced. Replacing concrete or asphalt always leaves you with an ugly patchwork effect, unless you replace the entire surface. With pavers, changing out the ones you need to is easy and no one will ever know. The modular system of pavers allows for simple access for underground repairs, including pipes and cables.

Source: ICPI
Reduced pavement maintenance and replacement
High density pavers resist deterioration from deicing salts
Durable and superior physical properties of pavers provide longer pavement life
In commercial or vehicular applications, unit concrete pavers provide proven durability
ICP and PICP are not subject to crumbling
Tired of re-sealing blacktop parking lots or repairing spalling concrete? Interlocking concrete pavers are the perfect solution, made to withstand harsh conditions and cold weather better than asphalt.
Concerned about unsightly cracking of poured or stamped concrete? Concrete pavers have high compressive strength, low water absorption, and excellent freeze-thaw durability. And expansion joints are not needed in this pavement system.
Interested in long-term durability? What level of durability is needed in your design? Limit your exposure and don’t risk a commercial design by specifying a pavement surface without proven durability. Leverage the density and strength of concrete pavers to ensure the longest design life possible.
Do you need a sturdy pavement surface that is skid resistant and stable? If you are looking for a surface that can handle pedestrian and vehicular traffic, then avoid the smooth, slick surfaces on other materials. Go with interlocking concrete pavers with chamfers offering unique macro-texture that benefits skid resistance and can reduce braking distances. Chamfers also help channel water away from the pavement surface. Bottom line: concrete pavers increase safety due to their slip and skid resistance.
What is the life expectancy of interlocking concrete pavement? Conventional pavement design life is typically 20-25 years, and traditional asphalt pavement requires regular resurfacing. Interlocking concrete pavers can meet or exceed conventional pavement design criteria. Eliminating resurfacing lowers the life cycle cost of the pavement.
What about repairs? Interlocking concrete pavers are designed to be removed and the same unit reinstated. Utility repairs are made easy with a flexible pavement system and best of all, the repaired area is ready for immediate use, no need to wait for curing.
Manfufactured in accordance with ASTM or CSA standards before they arrive at the job site. Concrete pavers to have a minimum average compressive strength of 8,000 psi. They must have maximum average absorption of 5% and in cold climates they must meet freeze/thaw durability standards. There are other requirements addressing dimensional tolerance and minimum thickness. Get the test results up-front and rest assured the product is durable and will perform as designed.
A variety of shapes, textures, and sizes are available. Whether you’re looking for symmetry, random patterns, or a unique design, utilizing concrete pavers presents almost unlimited artistic license. And best of all, they are manufactured to meet ASTM or CSA standards before installation.
Different thicknesses are required for different applications. This is important for vehicular or roadway applications, compared to pedestrian plazas and walkways. Use the right concrete paver size and thickness for the application.
Begin your journey down the stone paver path and enjoy the many advantages of hardscaping. Contact Us Today to schedule a FREE, no-pressure design consultation.
ASTMC936 Standard SPecification for Solid Concrete Interlocking Paving Units, 2013
Life Cycle Cost Management of Interlocking Concrete Block Pavement, Methodology report, February 5, 2008, Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute
CSA A231.2 Precast Concrete pavers, Canadian Standards Association, 2014